måndag 26 april 2010


Här kommer hela händelsen.
Orkar dock inte skriva allt igen, så n i får ta det på engelska.
Detta skrev jag hastigt och i ilska igår och skickade till de andra mammorna.
Ni får ta engelskan som den är.

"Yesterday we tried Kids Night Out at Healthquest for the second time ever.
The first time Noah didn´t like it at all. The leadars totaly ignored him then and he was crying when we left him there. When we picked him up he cried even more and said he never wanted to go back. Wilda loved it.

So now we had talked it over with Noah and said that he was going to bring his scooter. He was going to be one of the first kids there, so he could see everyone coming in. We put them both there in before care. And payed extra for this. We also payed for pizza.

When we came to pick them up, around 9pm we saw that Wilda was at the movies, so we left her there and started looking for Noah.
We found all the other kids in his age downstairs riding their scooters, but no Noah.
So we went back upstairs to ask for him at Kidsquest. And then I saw him, sitting there all alone playing. And for you who don´t know, that´s the room for the kids under 4 years.
I said that I was there to pick up Noah and they asked me how old he is. I said 6 and they said then he´s not here. I said he sure is and pointed at him. I called at him and he came, crying. Because no one hade picked him up and he hadn´t been riding his scooter yet.
My husband and Wilda came and we started asking why he was there. They said they hadn´t realized he was older. Does you who know him think he looks like a 3 year old?
They said he had played so good with the smaller boys, he hadn´t cried or complained or said anything. But he´s not the one to voice his complaints to strangers...
The only time he cries in front of others if I´m not there, is if he´s badly hurt. He´s shy and he trust the adults to know what they are doing.

Then the woman who was the leader in Wildas group came in and she said that on their list it said that they had a Wilda who should have pizza, so she went looking for here and found here in KQ!
But no one was looking for Noah.
She got really upset about what had happened so she took us to see the women who arranged the hole thing.
this woman said that mistakes happens, and off course I can understand that. But this time it wasn´t one mistake it was several.
The women who was in KQ should have realized that Noah was older and not just see him as a good playmate for the smaller boys so they could have it easier.
Noah should have been on the pizzalist for the 6-7 year old kids and they should have noticed that he was missing in that group.
He should also have been on the 6-7 year old list for the activity.
She said we couldn´t blame the leaders in his group bacause they were teenagers, should they really have the responsobility then?

There were many kids so every adult had a group of ten kids to take care of. Who of these can´t count to 10??

The organizer said that Noah should have said something. How many 6 year olds does that? Are the kids supposed to look after themselfes at KNO?

And she didn´t even apologize to us or to Noah who was the one who really did need to here that they were sorry.

So now we will probobly never put our kids there again. I love the gym and all the things me and my family does there but this makes me so upset.

If they don´t have total control of all the kids, what will happen next?

I just wanted to give you a warning so you don´t put your kids there and trust that they will feel safe and that they keep an eye on them or even know were they are...

And then I wonder if anyone can recomend a good babysitter?

I hope you all had a better weekend than us!

Malin "

5 kommentarer:

SweFlo sa...

Fy sjutton, stackaren! Förstår att du är skitsur och arg, ens barn är ju så viktiga, och när man då anlitar någon och litar på att de är i kompetenta händer så...

Saltistjejen sa...

Fan vad dåligt!!!1 Att man kan göra misstag, sure,. Men att inte ha någon koll alls!! vad hade hänt om han hade smitit ut och "försvunnit" hade de ens märkt det???
Och som du skriver så är det minsta man kan begära att de åtminstone ber om ursäkt och tar på sig sina misstag. Pratar med Noah och berättar vad som hänt. Förklarar hur saker o ting kunde bli som de blev. SÅ han förstår att det inte är hans fel. Och i och med att man tar på sig sina egna misstag är det även ett sätt att visa att man bryr sig och försöker se till att det inte händer igen!
Nej, förstår att du inte vill lämna barnen där igen.

Anne sa...

Fy fan vad upprörande! Kan verkligen förstå det. De verkar ju haft noll koll, totalt noll koll. Som Saltis skrev, vad hade hänt om han hade smitit ut och "försvunnit", de hade säkert inte ens märkt det. Nej fy sjutton. Och att inte ens be om ursäkt. Lågt, mycket lågt.
Hoppas allting känns bättre nu, för er föräldrar och söta fina Noah också. Hoppas ni kan få rekommendationer på barnvakter, för det där stället förstår jag verkligen ni aldrig mer vill använda! Kram!
ps roligt läsa om din träning, oavsett om det blandas in i inlägg här eller på egna bloggen, så ingen skillnad för mig... ds

Mrs F sa...

Stackars söta, fina, goa killen! Urdåligt av gymmet!!

Suddrik sa...

Herregud. Så vansinnigt illa. Och hur 17 kan hon skylla på tonåringarna?

Om de förväntar sig att en 6-åring ska sköta sin business själv, då förstår jag inte vad han ska där och göra över huvud taget, han kan väl vara hemma själv, eller hur??

Herregud igen. JÄTTEBRA mail.